What is behind this? There seems to be no limit on speculative money spilling out of the government. It seems like the lesson is, government deficits don’t count. Likewise the Federal Reserve balance sheet appears to have no limit funding…Continue Reading →
Panic is unfolding in Washington as the big picture evolves. Trump is getting close to falling in the toaster. So all eyes are on Powell and I would expect a tight trading range in the S&P of 2815 to 2954…Continue Reading →
Continuing with all that we have pointed out over the past few weeks, the market is bouncing up against the 2688 S&P swing point. This will probably continue until the 50 day moving average goes below the 200 day average.
Market Pause As the market players take a pause and try to establish a bottom in stocks the talk moves to why we have just seen a bit of a sell off. The Fed and interest rates are the easy…Continue Reading →
Yesterdays market action down through 2688 sets up a swing trade of the move from the February 9, 2018 low of 2532 and the recent high of 2939, a move of 407 points. Doubling that on the downside swing sets…Continue Reading →
It will be much worse, this market will have to deal with the effects of the arrogance of Bernanke, Trump, McConnell, and Ryan before it finds stability. That will be take much more than a 33% decline. !987 was just…Continue Reading →
In thinking about todays blog last night I had difficulty in nailing down a title, so I am just using all three ideas for today, and have a separate section tying into each idea. Unfunny Money This follows the prior…Continue Reading →
A Macro Revisit The beauty of looking at life and markets in a Macro sense is that you have a lot of time in-between. You might want to start todays comments by going back to two of our posts from…Continue Reading →
No Sign of a Bottom on T-Bonds and Gold Yesterday I had a number of questions and comments come through my private email group. A question that predominated was based around the fact that the charts for Gold and 30 yr…Continue Reading →
Yesterdays final push up by the S&P 500 towards the 2090.00 upside blowout target that we mentioned this past Monday, what I would call a false breakout that puts most sellers on the sidelines with fear in their hearts, was…Continue Reading →