Fake Economic News
Fake News We are talking about Fake in terms of what is driving the strong US 2nd Qtr GDP numbers, it appears that a significant portion can be credited to front running by China on US purchases prior to the…Continue Reading →
Fake News We are talking about Fake in terms of what is driving the strong US 2nd Qtr GDP numbers, it appears that a significant portion can be credited to front running by China on US purchases prior to the…Continue Reading →
Trump went completely outside the box yesterday, basically confirming that he and his buddies were a significant Brexit influence. By his buddies I would include Putin and Bannon, who are probably controlling Trump’s calls these days. So this is May’s…Continue Reading →
It was a movie, now it is our economy. All the craziness in Washington is no doubt the prime factor. We continue our 2017 theme since January 11. Here is the story behind our contrarian EXTH tracking fund. We are…Continue Reading →
With Gold soaring this morning I heard on CNBC that the inflation trade is on fire, that is such a 70’s comment, Gold is a FEAR trade, not a reflation trade. Our Marketocracy Tracking Funds which we opened in January…Continue Reading →
Trump’s worst case scenario: In an environment where nothing is too bizarre, New Alliances may start to make sense, What if China, Mexico, the EU, & Canada decide they have had enough and join together in a mutual trade and…Continue Reading →
Trump could be successful President in Economic terms, he moved over the top in the election with a huge populist win of the disaffected, the group Bernie Sanders courted, the group that were dismissed by the elitest Democrats. But anyway, now…Continue Reading →
No Sign of a Bottom on T-Bonds and Gold Yesterday I had a number of questions and comments come through my private email group. A question that predominated was based around the fact that the charts for Gold and 30 yr…Continue Reading →
Disruptive Deep Change We are looking at buying Gold and T-Bonds today. This is not a play on inflation, but more on the order of a clean out phase of the deflation cycle which is forecast to end in October…Continue Reading →
After all the irresponsibility of the FED last week the bottom line remains, the Macros are much deeper than the FED fluff that moves daily volatility. Here are the Macros we follow and their Macro trend (listed top to bottom…Continue Reading →
Today’s FED decision shows that they are not U.S. data dependent as mandated. Now they are basing their decisions on Global conditions and that message is that the fear of Global deflation is taking over. We are increasing long T-Bond…Continue Reading →