Just looking through the stocks that are looking weak at the moment, some big names pop up, McDonalds, Caterpillar, Amazon, GE. This coming week is a big one for numbers, GDP and Employment. Look for inventories to rise as Producers…Continue Reading →
To me it feels like we are going back to a time of the Nobles and the Serfs. I am taking off for a much need vacation and just have to get a few things off my chest. I left…Continue Reading →
The market is getting more and more cross currents. I continue to believe that deflation is the bigger issue, not inflation. As I have said many times, until the asset base is de-leveraged, nothing has been fixed since the 2007…Continue Reading →
It is mid-July, we still have a couple of weeks before the second quarter GDP results are posted (probably confirming that the economy is still below end of 2013 levels ). Again, this is just another tag on the Fed…Continue Reading →
Dubble Bubble – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Dubble Bubble is a brand of pink-colored bubblegum invented by Walter Diemer, an accountant at Philadelphia based Fleer Chewing Gum Company, in 1928. This is a strange time in the markets. Probably at no time in the…Continue Reading →
Today’s employment number continues the pattern that started last fall, companies continue to ramp up into a demand brick wall. This week’s Outside the Box letter by John Mauldin, see our links section, goes into another aspect of the current…Continue Reading →
This is the beginning of the quarter and we should allow two days for the pension funds to load up their accounts. As this quarter evolves I look for earnings and GDP numbers to bring a more somber atmosphere.