Keying on October 15, 2017.
Key Words: what you believe in, Trickle Down, Consumption Economy, Growth…Continue Reading →
Key Words: what you believe in, Trickle Down, Consumption Economy, Growth…Continue Reading →
Today we are seeing what happens when the Global battle against deflation couples with the end of the quarter mark up of stock prices for the much publicized Quarterly Mutual Fund numbers. You know what to do.
Take a jump to the front page comments dated March 11, 2015 titled “A Look at Market Behavior Patterns”. As the first Quarter 2015 comes to a close the Macro’s appear to be ready to unravel the QE III story;…Continue Reading →
One measure that I follow daily, Joe Granville’s 1963 chart formula for On-Balance Volume. It has been flashing warning signals on the S&P Index since late August 2014. Now we have OBV chart with a left shoulder on 8/29/14, a double…Continue Reading →
Paul Tudor Jones Warns “Disastrous Market Mania” Will End In “Revolution, Taxes, Or War” Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/20/2015 20:54 -0400 “This gap between the 1% and the rest of America, and between the US and the rest of the world,…Continue Reading →
In my opinion at this junction three things stand out for the US market: 1) The Republican Budget Direction (deflationary low growth) 2) Looming US T-Bond sales by China 3) Looming US T-Bond sales by Japan
to be a great FED Chief. The market was ready to embrace interest rate normalization but she did not have the guts and confidence to make the call and step into the top rung of former FED Chiefs, and no,…Continue Reading →
All eyes are on the Fed today. The market does not look for a surprise, for good reason, the problems in the US and Global real economies were structural and have not reacted to the funny money since September 2012…Continue Reading →
No one should be surprised that the coming Fed meeting combined with a bunch of short term traders could provide a healthy short covering bounce to the markets yesterday. Next week will be a lot more important and it will…Continue Reading →
Little did Bernanke know what he was creating when he setup QE III in September 2012. Now we are getting a glimpse of how this plays out. Today we are adding the most important chart to the series we posted…Continue Reading →