Some progress in Europe and end of quarter plays will dominate today. This does not change the big picture that we have outlined previously. The big anticipated moves for the rest of the year are long dollar and short gold…Continue Reading →
The one percenters and the cries about uncertainty got its first knockdown with Supreme Court decision on ObamaCare. Now if we can get something like Simpson-Bowles and bring balance back to the economic picture, things will start looking better. All 0f…Continue Reading →
The widespread drought could put ag commodities in play. This would be special situation and probably short lived rally as the world monetary demand dynamics are moving towards a deleverage cleanout. We are watching the ag DBA ETF, a close above…Continue Reading →
There were some articles over the weekend that seemed worth reading: And of course the Supreme Court and health care will provide a little zip to the week.
I will be out tomorrow. Unless something changes, we would be looking for the levels above by end of September and probably will not be posting very often between now and then.
When the economic history of the 1996 to 2017 period is written it will have two parts, the bubble building years of 1996 to 2006 and the deleveraging years of 2007 to 2017. It will point out that the period from…Continue Reading →
Based on CNBC’s Fast Money show, our positions are strongly against the crowd with virtually all of them calling for a retest of the years high in stocks. I have to say that following the long-term play book has some…Continue Reading →
We are going into the meeting with our short Stocks and short-T-Bonds positions, and today adding long dollar positions. Update at 12:30AM CDT: Completing the add on today in the 1254 to 1361 level of the S&P The market is…Continue Reading →
The time has come for the world to realize that Merkel and Bernanke cannot solve the problem, no amount of funny money would be enough. In Europe a reckoning has to include rewriting everything and putting teeth into the Euro…Continue Reading →
The so-called market is setting itself up for good news over the coming week as it expects some positive steps in Europe and a US Fed that will fuel the economy. To me the expectations will be greater than the…Continue Reading →