Archive for February 2009

Obama Sellers

This week has been basically a sell Obama exercise.  And why wouldn’t it be?  He is bringing regulations and getting tough on the big guys of the marketplace.  So they will keep selling until the market blows them away.  It…Continue Reading →

Script Investing

We like to follow a macro Washington script, ie our investment philosophy in the long waves based on what is going on in Washington..  The script for 2002 to 2005 was predominately long gold, from 2005 to 2008 it was long…Continue Reading →

See Yesterdays Update

We will be travelling tomorrow morning.  Yesterdays update still applies. EMA ETF Fund NAV was 921. 7:34 PM CST

Bubble Hangover…………with Update

The investor binge is over, ended last September, and why shouldn’t investors be depressed and not believe that changes are being put in place that could help them start a new life.  Yesterday was one of those moments of unrestrained…Continue Reading →