Powell and the Fed are coming up to a learning moment, the moment when bottom-up and middle-out replace trickle-down which has been dominant for 40 years. Where will they get their signals and smiles, have to start counting buildouts rather…Continue Reading →
For me the stock market was over-priced in January 2020. That is why I caught the COVID down move well. I didn’t know about COVID, But I was on board for the implosion. The first long bounce upward after the…Continue Reading →
can run into headwinds. Watching stocks for the last year is like going to Bonneville and watching attempts to set records on the salt flats. In most cases success is a function of having the car set up correctly for…Continue Reading →
This is a day that is so quiet that I have time to allow a thousand titles to come to mind. For those of you who follow this blog closely you have probably noticed that now I rarely write the…Continue Reading →
In an artificial market environment in which we all must play, an environment with overwhelming Federal Reserve influence, one never knows for sure if a signal is real or influenced. What we are seeing the past few days in the…Continue Reading →
A big question has ballooned on the horizon as this blow-off event unravels. Will there be a day of reckoning for the economists, bureaucrats, and politicians who designed and supported a ten year artificial bull market that exploded inequality along…Continue Reading →
How do you know you are in a blow-off, for me it is the time when you cannot believe a breakout signal has just occurred. I have maybe been around too long for the current period, but 2008 was the…Continue Reading →
The chart we showed you yesterday showing the 144 day cycle of the S&P and how the current move is totally a FED inspired move. Yes, there are all the secondary things like Trump tax cuts, Trump tariffs, Covid, the…Continue Reading →
This website was started in early 2008 as I saw an economic scenario building that was not sustainable. The great recession that grew out of that scenario caused a lot of pain. It could have been a time to put…Continue Reading →