Archive for July 2013

Stocks are not an Asset

This may trouble your financial advisor, if you have one, hopefully not, but the asset index we follow of stocks,bonds,  commodities, oil, dollar, and gold, topped out on September 13, 2012.  Here we are some 10 months later and stocks…Continue Reading →

Larry Summer update

Just a reminder.  The Fact that Summers is even considered was our main reason to buy gold a few weeks ago.  

Ben Still on Script

Things are not so good for the economy apparently, no surprise.  We remain out of the Dollar after exiting long positions recently.  Our long position in Gold and T-bonds that we put on recently will remain.  Today we will add…Continue Reading →


Look at two headline articles on the front page of yesterday’s New York Times. Financial Crisis Just a Symptom of Detroit’s Woes  – a story about the collapse of Detroit. Words to Start a Stampede: New York Apartment for Sale…Continue Reading →