This from Bloomberg News this morning: By this point, you’re probably tired of hearing the economy described in alphabet shapes. V-shaped, U-shaped, K-shaped etc. Nonetheless, it’s worth pointing out how easy it is to be deceived by certain types of…Continue Reading →
It is obvious that the US Economy and COVID-19 need a cure. That is not going to be easy. Obviously the COVID cure is out of our hands, all we can do is try to be safe. While the chances…Continue Reading →
Who we are talking about are all the investors and traders that over the last 9 years (since start of QE2) have become believers in a funny money world. As we continue to try to convey, COVID 19 was a…Continue Reading →
As the markets today are taking facts into account it is probably good to look back at the Big Lie, the assertion that things were good in the economy before COVID 19 came along. If you want to look back…Continue Reading →
An important time for me, that is when I gave up on the Republican Party and moved to the Democrats. I am not enthralled with them either, especially the old guard that are tied to lobbyists, but there are enough…Continue Reading →
We are in a time where the word “unprecedented” seems to be the most used word. Within that structure the real question is how much of the unprecedented info is real. The push to get back to normal creates an…Continue Reading →
This is the P&L chart for the Macro trade that we outlined on June 5. We are still in the core position build area, trade is positive by just a little over 2.3 %.
My view is unchanged and I have tried to remain consistent. You can go back to the January 9, 2020 post, before COVID 19 hysteria. The Macro direction is lower, you can be defensive or you can think this is…Continue Reading →
Trump, Mnuchin, and Powell don’t get it. Forget Pence. There is only one thing that has a chance of saving the economy, Masks. Where I live, Chicago area, there seems to be little comprehension of this. The modeling has to…Continue Reading →