As you well know, we are watching the Gold / Dollar ratio for a signal that a real stock market rally is ready. So far, since mid December 2009, the ratio has been treading water, some ups and downs but…Continue Reading →
As the stock market stages for a move down to the value area of support (S&P 890 to 930) it might be a good exercise to think about what will allow things to change at that point. Again the word…Continue Reading →
If one looks back at the patterns of market action that led to the 2008 waterfall, two periods stand out, one starting with our comments of May 19, 2008 and the second with the secondary rollover in mid August 2008. …Continue Reading →
This is the week that we find out if the weak unemployment and consumer confidence numbers mean anything. The GDP numbers that come out on Friday should settle that debate. The average forecast at the moment is + 2.5 percent,…Continue Reading →
How can this be? It’s simple, they currently are just added to the cash hoard of the big corporations. The over-riding issue of private debt is the elephant in the room. The deflation of the real estate boom will take…Continue Reading →
We have made no changes in our portfolio this quarter to date. The S&P 890 target remains, 22 percent below current levels. The indicators we watch still point to lower stock and commodity prices. Both the important dollar / gold ratio…Continue Reading →
While Washington continues to fight to the very end on the passing of the FinReg legislation, an amazing testament to the lack of willingness to work together to get our financial system back on track, yesterday something good thing happened in this…Continue Reading →
It is easy for Wall Street to go ga-ga over earnings during this 18 month recovery. They are trading stocks for the corporations who have the marketing, legal, and HR capability to figure out how to skin the cat. The…Continue Reading →
Market action like we see today in multiple areas, stocks, dollar, oil, gold, and bonds rates are outside the box events and need to be treated appropriately. At the moment in my short-term trading I view it as a blowoff….Continue Reading →
With earnings reports coming out this week the market is waiting for the numbers. The bounce last week was healthier than I expected and makes the next couple of weeks action important in terms of the direction prior to the…Continue Reading →