
Surprises Coming

What the S&P and Nasdaq longs may be ignoring is the most important factor, capturing their gains from the Artificial Finance 2011 to 2021 era. (Basically QE2 through FED COVID response). So where can one move the money, you cannot…Continue Reading →

Is this more than a Bounce ?

Yesterday and today are what I would call a brutal test of the TOP FORMATION that has been developing since February 24, 2021. So far the test is going well. Stay tuned. Everything we have said this week holds.

Three Weeks Away

That is how much time it will take before the market decline breaks out to decidedly lower levels. We now should see bounces and lots of happy talk from CNBC cheerleaders and the Tom Lee “Follow the Fed Crowd”. More…Continue Reading →

Peak Fantasy

FED Chair Powell speaks today and will say no end to stimulus until labor starts coming back to work in a big way. Of course, he is not in control of the labor force. I believe we are headed into…Continue Reading →

The Top Unfolds

Here is an update of the Big Picture chart as of noon today. It is an inside day so far, the action should come tomorrow. You can refer to prior posts where this chart was used to see the rational…Continue Reading →

Why ?

Why would anyone who has been lucky enough to ride the gravy train since last March not take profits and get out? Market internals are breaking down, factors like leadership, breadth, participation, sectors. None of this took any analysis, one…Continue Reading →