
Everybody Really Hates David Stockman Now

And why is that?  Probably because he is not a cheerleader like all the others.  Even Paul Krugman hates him, and most people hate Paul Krugman.  I am sure that David is closer to the truth than Paul. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/31/opinion/sunday/sundown-in-america.html?smid=pl-share http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/03/31/cranky-old-men/?smid=pl-share…Continue Reading →

Back to 2002

The Financial ETF “XLF” had a high of 18.37 yesterday.  To put that in perspective the low for that ETF before the run into the bubble in 2007 was 18.52 in October 2002.  The bubble high that followed in May…Continue Reading →

Selling to Nobody

On our links page we have three links.  We don’t need more because they are some of the the best available.  One is John Hussman’s link.  Here is a little piece of a much larger analysis that he published last week:…Continue Reading →


The headline today is a reflection of our headline Bottom,Bottom, Bottom on March 3, 2009, you can read the post in the archives.  We were three days early on that call, maybe we will be better this time.  At that…Continue Reading →