The AI Buildout story is now essentially history. Looking forward we are going into a very contentious election which is really about good riddance of neoliberalism and the attendant trickle-down economy. The market will need to adjust to that new…Continue Reading →
The market has a dilemma, what does it do when it has correctly taken in all the good news and has already priced it into the market values and interest rates? Now the FED will need to catch up. We…Continue Reading →
When market based interest rates are under the fed fund rate, is there precedence whereby market rates rose soon after the fed fund rate was decreased? Microsoft Co-Pilot answer.. Yes, there have been instances where market-based interest rates rose soon…Continue Reading →
We asked Microsoft Co-Pilot another question on interest rates. Which interest rate affects the market more, the Fed Funds rate or the ten year market rate. After a lot of discussion here, the summary at the end is probably most…Continue Reading →
This has been a long time coming. Growing up in rural central Illinois many years ago I have to say that seeing Tim Walz on the stage in Chicago last night answers my life long question, will we ever see…Continue Reading →
Question for everyone. With the average of a broad swath of market rates (2yr +5yr+10yr+20yr) at 3.901 % and Fed funds at 5.181 % what do you think will happen to market rates if Fed cuts the funds rate by…Continue Reading →
The last few days we have seen the SPX and NDX rally considerably more than the Russell. That means the Real Bull Market is not here yet. In that process the S&P stretched its trading envelope to 5250 to 5550…Continue Reading →
Today the Big Dog in this race had close to a 61 % bounce of the recent Great Adjustment decline. Probably enough to signal a consolidation pattern for a while. Model is applying SPXS hedges to portfolio.
Since the ” Great Adjustment of August 5th” was completed, we have seen as expected, market players moving back into the chip/software base. That is ok as they are the base of the market, it is just that those sectors…Continue Reading →
Wow, Harris picked Walz. That completely flips the economic direction that the country has gone since Reagan started the “Trickle Down/Supply Side/Bernanke Zero Rate” debacle. Growth is headed for the small cap AI applicators, the bottom-up sector of the economy….Continue Reading →