The Precarious Bernanke – Trump Rally
Sorry Janet, you don’t count in terms of adding your name to the rally, you have just been the water girl keeping this artificial environment alive, and Barack, we will leave your name out as you have been the unwitting bystander to increasing inequality under the initial advice no doubt of your friend Tim Geithner.
Witnesses to Magic
We are witness to an almost unbelievable level of “stuff” that has no relation to scalable real economics, six years of Bernanke fluff that now is being piled on with discredited voodoo economics.
No Solid Base
There is no economic base on which to build a real Trump Boom, it is like trying to pull a cannon through a mud hole.
Everyone is Giddy
In watching CNBC it seems like the feeling is a lot like January 2000, yes a few observers are calling for a little sell off now, but the view forward for most is that we are sitting on the edge of a boom. Cannons and Bubbles may not mix however.
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