What Now..

Yesterday I laid out the Macro picture, past and future. Now we are kind of in a no-man’s land of little news and a Fed Meeting coming up later in the month. The high flying areas may get a little pressure as the next big report day is not until the 15th, and an important marker for the GDPnow series will be issued on that day.

So, in the meantime this may be a period to watch the Climate Tech Model and see what stocks move into prime buy areas. If you are interested in receiving a list of individual stocks the model is identifying along with some designations, email me with your name at intrscop@mc.net and we will send you the latest screening of names that the model is watching.

During this period I would expect the Russell (whether through the RUT or leveraged TNA ETFs) to gain on the Nasdaq 100 or FANG stocks.

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