We are at the Macro Tipping Point…

On Climate Change and its effects. Everyone is sitting around talking about recession while the world is sitting on one of the biggest flips in history. How does one play this game?

Just four years ago, Jeremy Rifkin, who I view as one of the top climate analyzers and writers, said in the lead up to his book The Green New Deal “why the fossil fuel civilization will collapse by 2028 and the bold economic plan to save life on earth”. Since then President Biden has tiptoed into the fray with some initial funding through the IRA and a number of progressive politicians have tried to co-opt the term “The Green New Deal” while conservative politicians like Senator Manchin of WV and most of the Republicans and even the dumb majority of the Supreme Court have tried to bury it.

But it is happening, and Wall Street is so far ignoring it with the exception of Tesla and the building block kind of companies like NVDA. But a whole new world of Climate Tech companies are about to break out with a ferocity that few can imagine. Our climate tech model screens some 200 climate tech stocks that I feel in some sense, you could just paste the list on the wall and throw darts to pick ten. So many are totally beaten up or ignored that trying to figure out which one will do best over the next year is wide open. Does one pick the ones that look technically strong or does one pick ones that are totally beaten up? Our model is sampling from all sides of the coin at this early tipping point.

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