An Interlude

The unexpected passing of my webmaster Peter this spring has prompted me to re-evaluate the goals and approach that I am taking.  Our last post prior to today was on May 25th.

In December of 2007 he and I talked through my goals and what I wanted to achieve.  Simply said, I believed we were in a bubble caused by a number of factors, all of which we listed when we launched the site in January 2008. We wanted to provide a discussion of the existing risks along with solutions that made sense for our readers. That process continued for some 8 + years.

Along with that commentary we have allowed readers to look over our shoulders at the trades that evolved out of those ideas.   Our Marketocracy tracked Fund EHF-S, see below, (the Fund Description is probably a good quick way to  view our overall approach since 2006).  Essentially by reading this blog you are tracking a philosophy measured by market prices.  We will soon go into what the portfolio contains these days.

Since retiring from active money management in 2002, politics and its interaction with Central Bank policies has been a big part of what I observe and what I have talked about in the archives.  At the moment that view is rather dark.  The one person running for President who talked about the inequality that the FED has promoted has been left at the gate.  I guess that means that only an accident will change things, and these days the market seems to believe the FED is in total control.  We will see how this all unfolds going forward.

Smart People Posts:   Over the next few days I will be posting a few articles by smart people that over the past month have caught my eye.


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