Pilot Project

No change in positions today. Fed meeting today along with auto rescue will continue to predominate.  As to our view of the markets you may want to reread comments of the past few weeks.  As the Fed tries to put its’ money to work our move out of the dollar and into gold and commodities is probably the most relevant change in our total portfolio during the past few weeks.

The Pilot Project we refer to here are two ETF  based Model Portfolios that try to mimic our total Portfolio positions that involve stocks, ETF’s and Futures. This is preliminary to a fee based service that we are contemplating after the first of the year.  These two ETF Portfolios will have positions in Long ETF”S, Short ETF’s, and Double Leverage ETF’s.  In order to keep it simple and user friendly it will not include shorting ETF’s, which we sometimes do in our portfolio, because some sectors do not have Short ETF’s.  These two Model ETF Portfolios will be listed here on the site a little later today.

As we get close to finishing out one year of this website we would like your comments and suggestions as to things that you like, dislike, would like for us to add, etc. Please don’t ask us to abandon our Contrarian Approach, you can find trend followers everywhere. We do read the comments that are posted here on the site.  Our replies have been in the form of private email as we don’t want to get a dialogue going that will take a lot of time to moderate. Thanks.

8:12 AM CST

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