Rising Yields could be a Positive…

As long as average market rates stay below the early November lows of 4.121, higher rates are likely signaling better growth parameters. I am watching any production numbers coming out this coming week as well as updates on the GDPNOW figures on Wed for confirmation of a growth bias. Last week was saw an upgrade of U of MI sentiment to 66.4 and 1st QTR GDPNOW of 2.2 %.

Reports this week that I am watching for beats:

  • Tuesday 2/14 NFIB Small Business Index 90.0 median forecast.
  • Tuesday 2/14 Various CPI figures
  • Wednesday 2/15 Retail sales, 1.7 % median forecast
  • Wednesday 2/15 Industrial Production 0.4 % median forecast
  • Wednesday 2/15 Capacity utilization 79.0 % median forecast
  • Wednesday 2/15 Home builders Index 36 median forecast
  • Wednesday 2/15 GDPNOW 1st quarter latest update
  • Thursday 2/16 Building Permits and housing starts 1.35 million median forecast for both.
  • Thursday 2/16 Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Index -7.4 % median forecast.
  • Thursday 2/16 GDPNOW lst quarter latest update
  • Friday 2/17 Leading Indicators median forecast -0.4 %

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