Bringing Back Free Markets

I was going to expand on interest rates this morning, but seeing as I already have my position on, long the TLT, anticipating that rates have topped for this cycle, and seeing today’s GDP estimate, -1.4%, and CPI coming out tomorrow, and the FED meeting next week, I think I will just wait to see what the data shows.

So, in the meantime I will turn philosophical…

How do we get back our markets that try to reflect real supply and demand?

My take is, the FED has to be broken, Washington Politicians don’t have the brains or balls to do it. It would seem that the only answer left is to break the FED Followers first.  That would take a massive market loss for the FED following crowd, the crowd that followed the Funny Money up for the past 11 years, and now are following the Bear Talk down.

My main fear in the current situation, is not a bear market, but that “I am caught in the Analysis Trap, the facts have not changed, just the story, and all the funny money that pushes the story.”

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