Things are Happening

In the background the slow rollover from Speculation to Value is occurring. Over the weekend I was going to put together a wide array of charts that illustrate where we have come from and the economic picture that has evolved.

But instead I got deep into a book, published in 2007, “A Return to Common Sense” by John Ikerd. This is an outside the box kind of book, not on the NYT best seller list, and in fact Ikerd is a retired Agriculture Economics Professor, a person with a background and profession much like mine. Much like my career, his early job was in the meat packing industry, he did work with Cattle futures trading, then took a look at Chaos theory, and has a late reckoning with the sustainable movement.

One point he makes, sustainability is much more than economics, it brings together the whole person, tying lifestyle with economics, community, and resource usage. I find the book refreshing in this time that we are living especially as we see the Big Corporations spouting their sustainability talk, but interestingly their talk is totally about the economics portion.

Moving on to one chart..

Here today is an overview short term chart, later in the week I plan to put together the whole picture in charts.

This chart provides a look at the market components and what they have done since the last trigger point, February 24, 2021. More on that date point later this week. What is apparent is that the so called epicenter stocks that are tied to the the reopening of America, the leisure and resource stocks have barely held their own, but what has done well is the Consumer old stuff, stocks that illustrate the old retail story as people restock their stuff. Also you can see that the FANG and S&P/NASDAQ components have peaked and retreated.

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