Its all Quiet Now that it is Over

I have been talking about the Unraveling over the past week, which some have taken in various ways. For me it is more about the formal definition, which is ” an unwinding of something complicated”. It will be associated with a Top and a Crash eventually. Friday’s employment report unrolled one more layer, the failure of the FED low interest rate employment policy and the need for employment development to be part of the Fiscal Policy section of government. With all the inequality that has blossomed over the past 40 years and especially over the past 10 years since Bernanke’s QE2 program, Trickle Down has already been discredited. The layers are unfolding.

The modern developed world is based on consumerism, in a sense an embrace of materialism as a way towards happiness, the theory, the more people consume, the happier they will be..

The basic philosophy of the Federal Reserve is to create conditions that increase consumerism, regardless of the cost, there is no limit to what they will do to create more stuff…

Studies in Happiness show that what we think will make us happy is highly incorrect

Results are basically, Giving brings more happiness than Receiving….

I am probably being naïve to believe that this can happen in America or the world today, but someone has to try. A little before the pandemic my wife and I took an online course in Happiness taught by Professor Laurie Santo’s from Yale, it was eye opening. Bottom line, why are we slaves to more stuff?

And history shows, Great thinkers generally rejected materialism, and found it opened their minds..

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