Tea Parties and Secessionists
A lot of caloric energy is being consumed with all the right wing raging this week. They might be better off if they had believed in the change and bought some stocks in March rather than megaphones and poster paper. It is good however for them to let off a little steam, it took them 28 years to build up that venom.
While there are a number of analysts picking today or Monday as cycle topping days, in our opinion that will only happen if some euphoria jumps in and the market rallies to the S&P 915 area. Financials need to run at least 10 percent to reach their first rally objective.
I have nothing new to add today, you might want to reread the comments of the last 10 days as this market unfolds.
The EMA ETF Fund Nav was 1110 at yesterdays close.
6:46 AM CDT
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