Performance Update….Ocober 31, 2008

Here are the numbers from the Marketocracy Tracking Portfolio of our total positions for the Month of October, Year to Date, and past 12 months versus the S&P 500 Index.

                                           October 2008              Year to Date          Past 12 Months

S&P 500 Index                    – 16.9 %                         -34.0 %                -37.5 %

Eureka Aggressive                  -1.6 %                        + 30.6 %              + 48.3 %

Eureka Conservative           + 10.3 %                       +24.8 %               + 41.8 %

You will note that the conservative portfolio did much better than the aggressive portfolio for the Month of October.  This was due to two factors:  1) early in the month the Aggressive Portfolio got caught in short-term Long side strategies that were overwhelmed by the macro market breakdown and 2) the Conservative Portfolio sat in cash up to the October 10th crash.

Viewer numbers on the site are very encouraging, October numbers are up 460 percent from the three month average for January-March when we started this blog, and up 70 percent over September numbers.

6:09 PM CDT

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