Performance Comparisons


The following numbers are as of the end of the second quarter 6/30/08.

                          A Comparison of    
 Eureka Marketocracy Portfolio and the S&P 500    
                       (Percent Change)   

                                   Eureka                  S&P 500 
Last week
                   (0.017)                      (0.029) 
Last Month               (0.004)                      (0.085) 
Last 3 months           0.032                       (0.027) 
Last 6 Months           0.132                        (0.119) 
Last 12 Months         0.251                        (0.143) 
Last 2 Years              0.177                          0.019  
Last 3 Years              0.413                          0.092  
Last 6 Years              1.250                          0.293   

A position snapshot as of the last day of the quarter shows us 36 percent long in total over all four funds.

9:38 AM CDT

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