Common Sense

We have been writing this blog for almost eight years, since January 2008, and have been tracking our market views on Marketocracy since 2002.  During this whole time we have tried to analyze markets in a way that provides ideas you cannot get anywhere else.  We don’t believe that parroting the Wall Street line will be good for your long term financial health. Over the 14 years of our track record, viewed versus the S&P 500, we had our biggest upside differential in June 2009 and our biggest downside differential in May 2015.  Where else can you find differentials like that?  We are contrarian, and we use leverage and we are approaching a point where our differential to the S&P 500 since 2002 is going positive again.

I would like to think that a value seldom seen on Wall Street, Common Sense, is part of what we offer.  The byline on the front page of our website, a byline that we have carried from the first day of the website, includes a word “Belief” a word that you seldom hear on CNBC.

Our belief is that the markets are a reflection of the interrelationship of political and economic forces.

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