Market Cross Currents

Since the beginning of the year the markets have seen a lot of cross currents. Stocks have dropped, rallied, and are essentially struggling in attempts to make and hold new highs.  No doubt some of this attempt to make new highs is due to the political fact that the Republicans are trying to make “nice” maybe should say “play dead” in Washington as they don’t want to alienate to many voters going into the mid-terms.

In any case gold, oil, and commodities are making some good bounce gains for the year.  See here the overview page on a short-term trading platform as of last night.

 EHG Portfolio 2-24-14

Summary of Micro-Market Tracking Funds

“EGH”  Tracking Fund        (opened 2/10/14)                

        Beg. NAV  10.00            Curr. NAV  9.95   -0.5 %

Long / Short Hedge Marketocracy Fund.  Positions are based on Technical models. Fund uses primarily ETFs. Macro allocations are: 30 Percent US Stocks; 30 Percent Global Stocks; 10 percent US Bonds; 10 percent Gold; 10 percent US dollar; 5 percent Oil; 5 percent Commodities. Leverage will generally run between 1.0 and 2.0 .   


“EGII”  Tracking Fund        (opened 1/30/14)       

     Beg. NAV  10.00            Curr. NAV  9.89   -1.1 %

Long / Short Marketocracy Fund using a combination of single, double, and triple leverage ETF’s. Investments are made based on proprietary model.  All Positions are in U.S. stock market based ETF’s including S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrials, NASDAQ 100, and Russell 2000.  Leverage will generally run between 1.5 and 2.5 . 


“ESP” (Squeeze Play) Tracking Fund  (opened 2/12/14)    

      Beg. NAV  10.00            Curr. NAV  9.93   -0.4 %

This Marketocracy Fund is a fundamental play on the concept of: the Fed vs the World.   QE2 and QE3 have created huge gaps in the fortunes of US stocks versus stocks in other countries.  As the QE’s are reduced, US stocks we believe, will lose versus other country’s stocks.  Postions are long stock ETF’s based outside the US and short US based stock ETF’s.  Leverage will generally run between 1.0 and 1.5 . 

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