CNBC, Now You Know the Whole Story

 Last night Jon Stewart had one of his most instructive programs.  In it he explained CNBC in a way that was long overdue.  Probably the best line was the one where he outlined how  CNBC added the heat that inflated the bubbles and now is going the other way by breeding pessimism as the bubbles turn into puddles. If you google Jon Stewart,CNBC you will have an array of videos to enjoy.

The consolidation of the pricing island continues this morning. 

The EMA ETF Fund NAV was 821 on the close yesterday.  In the reallocation of the short Gold/Long Dollar trade in the EMA Fund we put $ 40,000 in ETF MVV, $ 20,000 in ETF XLF, and $ 20,000 in ETF PBW.

8:07 AM CST

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