A Little Inflation Fear

T-Bonds and gold are suggesting a little inflation fear is creeping into the markets as the stimulus bill moves forward.  I don’t think it is serious, the bulk of the short T-Bond move was the 138 to 129 decline, now the market is in the 127 area.  Gold has moved a little higher since we sold out half our position.  As we always want a core long gold position we are not going to sell out the remainder.

We are in the early stages of this stock rally. Technically, this – in stocks is good for setting the hook on the early trend following programs.  When this weeks highs are taken out we look for those buy signals to start being triggered on some of the eight trend indicators we monitor.  

No position changes are contemplated today.

The EMA ETF Fund NAV was 991 at yesterdays close.

8:28 AM CST

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