Portfolio Returns

Here are the numbers from the Marketocracy Tracking Portfolio of our total positions for the Fourth Quarter 2008 to date, Year to Date, and from the 10/8/2007 Market High.  All as of 10/30/08.

                                           4th Quarter 2008          Year to Date      Since 10/08/07

S&P 500 Index                    – 23.2 %                         – 39.0 %                – 42.7 %

Eureka Aggressive              –   2.4 %                        + 29.7 %                + 47.6 %

Eureka Conservative          +  6.8 %                         + 20.9 %               + 37. 6 %

The Total Portfolio as of today has a leverage ratio 1.239 broken down as follows:

                                                           Regular stocks and stock ETF’s     1.092 Leverage

                                                           Short T-Bond ETF’s                        0.048 Leverage

                                                           Long Dollar ETF                              0.033 Leverage

                                                           Long Commodity ETF’s                 0.066 Leverage

7:30 PM CST

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