August Portfolio Results

Here are the results for our tracking portfolio of all investments and trades in the four funds that make up our Marketocracy Portfolio.

                                                A Comparison of   
             Eureka Marketocracy Tracking Portfolio and the S&P 500
                                              (Percent Change)
                                   Eureka                                          S&P 500                      

Year to Date              25.724                                          (12.636)
Last Month                  2.070                                             (0.112)
Last 3 months            8.937                                             (7.767)
Last 6 Months          15.093                                             (5.195)
Last 12 Months        31.116                                            (11.707)
Last 2 Years              28.012                                                1.099
Last 3 Years              47.974                                                7.080
Last 6 Years            146.003                                              29.578


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