Month End Performance Update

Here is an update on our Tracking Portfolio at Marketocracy Funds.

July 31, 2008
A Comparison of 
Eureka Marketocracy Tracking Portfolio 
and the S&P 500
(Percent Change)
Eureka S&P 500 Diff
Year to Date 23.3 (13.7)        37.0
Last Month 7.0 (1.4)          8.4
Last 3 months 9.9 (8.9)        18.8
Last 6 Months 13.9 (6.3)        20.2
Last 12 Months 42.8 (18.4)        61.2
Last 2 Years 24.3 1.8        22.5
Last 3 Years 50.3 5.9        44.4


Last 6 Years 141.3 29.3      112.0

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